Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Elvis at Alpine

I should never have done this, simply because once you do Elvis to promote SRC, there's no place else to take it. The year: 2006. The theme: "Tune in: Read." The mild-mannered, bespectacled librarian is introduced to the gymful of kids and parents. He presses play on a boom box and darts behind a curtain. Soon the audience hears the strains of "Also Sprach Zarathustra." Then the band launches into CC Rider, and Elvis Himself bursts onto the stage. The King exhorts the kids and parents to come into the library to sign up for SRC. They do, of course they do. They might have anyway, but you can't say no to Elvis.

Maybe I had to do this, after all. Once it occured to me that doing SRC visits dressed as Elvis might...make an impression...then it always would have been out there as a possibility. This was a demon that needed to be slain.

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