Monday, September 8, 2008

All the news that's fit to print...

Man, there are a lot of really stupid people out there. I went shopping for news feeds via the suggested tools, and yes, I found some to add. I was continually drawn to the comments on each story, and I found myself reading these more carefully than the news itself. They say opinions are like...well, they say everyone has one. I am amazed at some of the hillbillies out there. How do these people feed themselves? How do they live?

It is no accident that I am a librarian in a public library. I think libraries are important. I think access to information is vital to a democratic society. I take seriously the mission to help every single person who crosses our threshhold. I would be pretty lousy at my job if I didn't like people and think they were deserving of our service and resources.

But sheesh, all of that milk of human kindness stuff goes right out the window after five minutes of being fed news articles about the world and all its problems, followed by the shallow, hateful comments of the willfully ignorant. It really challenges me, all this drivel.

I just have to have the discipline to read my handily-delivered news feeds, right down to the last word, and ignore the comments of those awful, awful people. Come on, face it: Palin is a jerk. She has as much business running the country as, let's see, who's a really good example of an inept and unscrupulous scoundrel, oh, I know, gwb. I know some disagree; well, opinions are like...well, they've got a right to their opinions, but they are a fools. AAAA, ranting again! Jeez. Imagine how much worse this would be if I were writing from home at 3am?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is SO true--comments on newsfeeds can be cruel. My sister was hit by a motorcyclist, and the news story pointed out that she wasn't at fault, and that the motorcyclist was in the wrong lane. However, the commenters were out for her blood--saying her license should be revoked and that she was a terrible person who shouldn't be able to live. They assumed she was one of those people in SUVs who run over motorcycles because they can. (sorry /rant)
Suffice it to say, commenters on news feed stink.